
The 12 Zodiac Signs

The concept of the 12 zodiac signs originated in ancient astrology where the location of many stars at the time of the birth was thought to have a major impact on one’s character, actions and even fate. There are 12 zodiac signs, and every sign’s characteristics are linked with a set of planets, elements, and modalities. In this article, you will come-across attributes, ruling planets elements as well as essential characteristics of the twelve signs that make up the zodiac.

1. FIRST SIGN: Aries (March 21st – April 19th) 
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Mars
Modality: Cardinal

Aries is the first zodiac sign and it represents people who are always active and passionate unlike other zodiac signs. The traits most associated with this sign include; courage, self-employment, venture and determination. These are the natural born leaders that, being in love with the struggle and competition, are perfect for the given type of activity. The most apparent characteristic of Aries people is the desire and perseverance but the negative traits are associated with impulsiveness and anger. These attributes make them unstoppable and this is because of the energy and passion that they have.

Key Traits: Prospective, vigorous, brave, rebellious, combative, aggressive.

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Venus
Modality: Fixed

They say that Taurus is a very material sign – people born under this sign are conservative, sensible, and appreciate life’s comforts. As Taureans are governed by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, they are dictating by the principles of art, comfort and wealth. They are good to work with and committed too but they may be rigid at times or quite oppositional to innovation. The results indicate that people born under the Taurus sign may be associated with security in their relationships or at workplace.

Key Traits: I am patient, reliable and sensual, possessive and persistent.

3. The sign of the Gemini is twins and the date which is related to this sign is May 21 – June 20.

Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Modality: Mutable

Gemini is the sign depicted by the twins which in turn symbolizes ‘two’ meaning this sign is endowed with duality and versatility. The Pisces people are endowed with intelligence, the ability to think, and being fluent with their words. As such, Geminis are dominated by Mercury and they are fast learners and versatile people, not to mention that they have lots of hobbies and they constantly switch between them. However they are likely to be fickle or superficial at times they are always eager to try out new things.

Key Traits: Is it suitable to describe a Taiwanese person as; more details suggested: curious, adaptable, communicative, inconsistent, witty.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Moon
Modality: Cardinal

Cancer is ruled by the heart and therefore it is an emotional sign. Since Cancerians are ruled by the Moon which represents feelings and the underground world, they tend to be very caring and / or protective of their families and close ones. They are friendly, kind and warm-hearted but can be moody or extremely protective sometimes. The family and the home are very important to them, although such people are tightly connected with their close ones.

Key Traits: Kind, understanding, a caregiver, often get annoyed, faithful.

5. Leo (July 13 – August 18).
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Sun
Modality: Fixed

The zodiac sign associated with Leo is lion and Leo people are characterized by such features as charisma, confidence, and creativity. As the Leo is controlled by the Sun sign, Leo loves to perform and be in the limelight and be appreciated by other people. They love the ceremonial life, they are great actors and organisers, they are warm-hearted and very kind people. Ladies can be somewhat proud or even dramatic at times Though.

Key Traits: Positive: Sure, inventive, nice, emotional, eager Negative: Arrogant, imaginative, forthcoming, melodramatic, competitive.

6. Virgo (August 23 rd – September 22 nd) 
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Modality: Mutable

Virgo is believed to represent accuracy, usability, and reliability people and their work. Individual who fall under this sign are known to be unique and perfectionists in every way they perform a duty. The ruling planet of Virgo zodiac sign is Mercury and this makes its individuals logical analytical problem solvers. It is even particularly invaluable when one needs a reliable and hardworking worker, although these two are at times overly critical or anxious.

Key Traits: Positive: Analytical, organised, reliable, critical and modest.

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22) 
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Venus
Modality: Cardinal

Libra is the sign of balance, harmony and relationship. As the Libra is governed by the planet Venus they are not only inclined towards beauty, love but also towards fairness. They try to maintain harmony in all the spheres of life and are characterized as diplomatic and sociable. Although, on a negative side, they may show a tendency to hesitate in decision making or to have conflict avoidance as their significant weakness.

Key Traits: Polite, magnificent, just, balanced, and irresolute, gregarious.

8. Scorpio (October 24th – November 21st) 
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Modern – Pluto, Traditional – Mars
Modality: Fixed

Scorpio is one of the most feeling and mysterious sign of the zodiac. Scorpios are zealous and intensive persons, who are very purposeful, wise and courageous in the job, knowing that they can meet great difficulties. They are very much sentimental but restrain themselves of showing those emotions. A key strength of Scorpios is their faithfulness and yet they can also be rather close-mouthed or jealous.

Key Traits: Emotional, keen, forceful, uncommunicative, driven.

9. Sagittarians (November 22–December 21)
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Modality: Mutable

Sagittarius is the sign of travels, inquiries and positive outlook on life. Those born under this sign are very independent and they have live and let live attitude towards life. For instance, the Sagittarians are ruled by the planet, Jupiter, which is also a planet of expansion therefore, they have a lot of energy and the are always in the search of something new. But they can sometimes be naive or rather rude at times.

Key Traits: Positive, perky, existential, upbeat, spontaneous, succinct.

10. Capricorn (December 22nd- January 19th) 
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Modality: Cardinal

Discipline, responsibility and ambition are some of the virtues that are usually attributed to Capricorn. These people are born inside the labor force and they are persistent workers who seek to excel in all aspired stations in life. Having the ruling planet Saturn, Capricorns’ significant aspects are order and stability, and planning. Although most of them are considered to be serious and somewhat solemn people, they really do have nice, though rather sarcastic, sense of humor and are extremely loyal to their friends.

Key Traits: Responsible, hardworking, goal oriented, serious and realistic.

11. Aquarius (January 20th -February 18th) 
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Modern: Uranus : Traditional: Saturn
Modality: Fixed

Aquarius is the sign of invention, change, liberal arts and science. This sign is also associated with being independent and acting in a liberate manner They also prefer to think for their selves. Uranian people are inclined to ideas which rock the boat in their pursuits and attempts of social change. Although they are idealistic and friendly they could also be cold or erratic in their behavior.

Key Traits: Creative, non-conformist, benevolent, detached, quirky.

12. Pisces (February 19th – March 20th) 
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Modality: Mutable

What makes Pisces such an interesting friend is the fact that Pisces are very spiritual and more often than not associated with the mystical. Out of all the zodiac signs, this sign has a tendency to be kind, creative, and sensitive. They are under the realm of Neptune, thus have propensity to certain imaginative qualities. But they can also oversensitive or can become averse to reality at times.

Key Traits: Kind-hearted, creative, sensitive, one who understands others’ feelings, and has a tendency to avoid reality.


The astrological signs give a thrilling look on how different personalities and traits are portrayed in people. The characteristics of every sign, combining the element, modality and the ruling planet, produce a specific impact on the way people act, respond to other people and to the problems they meet in their life. Whether one takes it as real-life navigator that controls individuals’ lives or simply a character building amusement, the features of the zodiac signs can be insightful into the behaviors of people.

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