
Vedic Astrology: A Deep Dive

Vedic astrology also called ‘Jyotish Shastra’ is one of the oldest and scientific systems of astrological procedure that originated in India more than five thousand years ago. Vedic astrology has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Jyotish’ translated as ‘Light’ or the ‘heavenly body’ successively.

Here, an astrologer tries to understand different aspects of an individual’s life based on the movements and positions of planets, stars, etc in the universe especially the moon. While the western astrology only takes into consideration the sun sign, the Vedic astrology pays much importance to the Manglik or the Moon sign and further includes *nakshatras* or lunar constellations.

1. Vedic Astrology :: As a Science and Its Historical Background

Vedic astrology has historical connection with the evolution of the Vedas especially the Rigveda which is one of the four main Vedas. The history reveals that in the ancient time, there were wise men or technically called as rishis who used to learn stars and planets and their effect on human beings life on the Earth.

The main book of the Vedic astrology is the *Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra*, which was composed by the Rishi Parashara. This text provides basic information about the Vedic astrology and there are descriptions of *grahas* (planets), *rashis* (zodiac signs), and *bhavas* (houses) and they influence the lives of individuals.

2. Some of the concepts and principles used in the vedic astrology include;

Some of the main axioms may have to be posited to elaborate Vedic astrology in the following way so that interpretation could be done. The following are some of the key concepts in Jyotish Shastra:

a) Essentially, do you have to know what Sidereal and the Tropical Zodiac means?
It is however different from western astrology which was also known as Arabian astrology in terms of the zodiacs, the zodiac used in Vedas was the sidereal zodiac which is affiliated to a particular constellation in the sky. On the other hand there is what is referred to as the Tropical Zodiac, this zodiac is used in the western region and this ‘zodiac’ is dependent on the seasons and position of the earth relative to its own star.

b) Rashis (Zodiac Signs)
In Vedic astrology the zodiac is divided in to twelve parts called rashis. In other words, these signs relate to concrete constellations and denote certain qualities and traits of a person. There are 12 zodiac signs and each is associated with each of the 9 planets and especially the position of the planets in a given chart marks the character and destiny of a person.

There are 12 rashis in Vedic astrology and they include the following;

Aries (Mesha): Mars governs The Red Planet
Taurus (Vrishabha): Governing Planet- Venus
Gemini (Mithuna): Regarded as being governed by Mercury
Cancer (Karka): It is controlled and governed by Moon.
Leo (Simha): Syracuse was ruled by the sun.
Virgo (Kanya): Taurus has many rulers, but being a Mercury ruled sign is the most dominant.
Libra (Tula): As the name suggests, the emotions which dominate this sign are those that originate from Venus – the planet of love.
Scorpio (Vrischika): It is governed by Mars planet.
Sagittarius (Dhanu): Haruspicina, or rather the reformed part of it, was governed by Jupiter.
Capricorn (Makara): It is governed by Saturn.
Aquarius (Kumbha): Houses under Saturn are considered royal houses and they are referred to as the King’s Houses.
Pisces (Meena): Not to be confused with the constellation ruled by Jupiter known as which one?

c) Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)
Based on the Vedic astrology, there is a major focus on nakshatras which are twenty-seven lunar asterisms that the Moon traverses in a lunar month. The nakshatras have certain personification and characteristics and knowing your current nakshatra can give one more understanding on one’s character and fate.

For instance, the Ashwini Nakshatra – the constellation of the horse signifies speed, curative properties, enterprise and the Bharani Nakshatra – the constellation of change and creativity.

d) The Nine Grahas (Planets)  
In Vedic Astrology nine celestial spheres or grahas are omnipotent force that governs human’s destiny. These include:
Surya (Sun): symbolizes the soul and passion and one’s egocentric tendencies.
Chandra (Moon): Controls the feeling, thinking and perceiving processes.
Mangal (Mars): It means energy, action and courage.
Budha (Mercury): Manages one’s thinking process, interacting with others, and the capacity to solve problems.
Brihaspati (Jupiter): Symbolizes knowledge, divinity, as well as prosperity.

Shukra (Venus): Governs love, beauty, and relationships.

Shani (Saturn): Represents discipline, hardship, and karma.

Rahu (North Node of the Moon): Associated with desires and obsession.

Ketu (South Node of the Moon): Governs spiritual growth, detachment, and past-life karma.

3. Vedic Astrology’s Chart System

The special map of the solar, based upon which various directions in Vedic astrology are given, is called kundali or birth horoscope. The chart strikes 12 houses (bhavas) and each houses represent some analysable portions of one’s life like career, relation, health, wealth etc The chart is displayed in cyclic form which is termed as Vedic or Hindu astrology.

First House: Sexual symbol and reproductive organs or genitalia, and physical features or features of the external body.
Second House: Pertaining to family, money and words.
Third House: Concerns communications, courage and the relation between siblings.
Fourth House: Stands for home, mother or anything that gives emotional comfort to a person.
Fifth House: Controls imagination, kids, and thinking.
Sixth House: Concerns health, foes as well as arguably one of the most vital factors of life, service.
Seventh House: Symbol for: Partnership and marriage.
Eighth House: It was connected to the process of regeneration, reincarnation, as well as ending of the life cycle.
Ninth House: Controlling fortune, spiritual level and education.
Tenth House: Stands for job, positioning, and prestige.
Eleventh House: Linked with success, inspiration and relationships.
Twelfth House: Regulates the loss, separation and even spiritual freedom.

4. The Dasha System: Calendar of events

When it comes to Vedic astrology, one of the most interesting features is the so-called ‘dasha’ system that allows predicting the time of the particular events in a person’s life. The dasha system separates life into ‘dasa cycles’, each governed by a different planet and each of which may contain its own problems as well as opportunities.

There are several dasha systems of which the most popular one is called the Vimshottari Dasha based on the position of the Moon which is present in a horoscope. It also said that each planet has the particular number of years to rule like six years of Sun, ten year of Moon, seven year of Mars and so on. A glimpse of what forms your experience in life can be provided by knowing which planet is ruling your dasha at the moment.

Thus, despite the fact that Vedic astrology is virtually thousands of years old, it is still valuable in the present day. In India people turn to astrologers for advice on many occasions like, marriage, business, or job, or sickness.

Similarly, due to the advancement of technology, a numerous number of websites and applications are available through which people can get their birth chart, horoscope, or any sort of Vedic astrology based predictions instantly.

Vedic Astrology is a vast science and holds the key to understand and analyse the laws of universe governing human life. Hence, Vedic astrology will remain a potent way of leading people towards self-realization and integration with the universe while making sense of life in both the premier global civilization and today’s world.

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